Stuck on Step 8 of Quickstart Guide (adding multiple images)

If you’re on Step 8 of the QuickStart Guide (QSG) and you cannot find the index.html file referenced, you probably do not have the version of the Hugo Robust Theme that the QSG uses.

The QSG, in Step 5, assumes you understand the relevance of this:
$ (cd hugo_theme_robust; git checkout b8ce466)

I did not (I’m not a Git Guru). At this time, I understand this to mean, “Hey, go back and get an earlier version of these files.” I am also guessing that it is not possible to initially git an earlier version so I have to first git the latest version, then go back and checkout the earlier version. :smile:

Here is what worked for me.

  1. clone the latest and greatest Hugo Robust Theme with this:
    $ git clone

  2. Then change directories so that you are in the hugo_theme_robust sub-directory:
    $ cd hugo_theme_robust

  3. Finally, git the commit you need to follow the Quickstart Guide by doing this:
    $ git checkout b8ce466