Short code returning a string


I have an additional similar problem … here is the code:

{{if in .Page.Permalink “xap97”}}{{index .Page.Site.Params.xap97 (.Get 0)}}
{{else if in .Page.Permalink “xap100”}}{{index .Page.Site.Params.xap100 (.Get 0)}}
{{else if in .Page.Permalink “xap101”}}{{index .Page.Site.Params.xap101 (.Get 0)}}
{{else if in .Page.Permalink “xap102”}}{{index .Page.Site.Params.xap102 (.Get 0)}}
{{else if in .Page.Permalink “xap102”}}{{index .Page.Site.Params.xap102 (.Get 0)}}
{{else if in .Page.Permalink “xap110”}}{{index .Page.Site.Params.xap110 (.Get 0)}}
{{else}}{{index .Page.Site.Params.xap120 (.Get 0)}}{{end}}

Params are in the config.toml file

All cases return a string with an additional cr/lf , only the last case returns a string with no cr/lf

Any idea ?