NEW DOCS SITE! Need feedback!

Thanks for the kind words, @verythorough. (Nice username, btw :smile:). I think everyone is going to like the new and improved visual design that @budparr is working on as well.

WTD is something that’s intrigued me for a while and seems right up my alley as a documentation freak. Were you at the Portland conference a week and a half ago?


When I started using Hugo there was one thing I really hated: EVERY tutoriel starts by downloading a theme. (Without any explanation what themes are, what they’re good for and how to write your own ones.)

I would like to have clarification in: why you don’t need to build a theme when writing a website, how hugo’s markdown system works, a little guide in using layouts, overriding parts of a theme and writing your own theme.

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like the new docs site pretty much. has become my standard docs site. great work!

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Somehow I missed the notifications for these replies.

@rdwatters, WTD is great! I did go to the Portland conference, and found it very worthwhile. Their slack is pretty active, as well. We’ve been talking about Hugo in the #static-site-generator channel. Lots of developers/documentarians doing cool stuff with docs!

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The “Improve this page” link goes to 404.

The example on does not work for me.

The output is empty.

Generally I have a problem to understand the difference between “map”, "array and “slice”. I know Python a little so I am more familiar with lists, dictionaries, tuples.

And I get confused by the usage of key and value on this page.