Need to render two .Paginate sections on main page

If I understand you correctly, you want page 1 of the home page to contain, say, 5 articles from section news and 5 from blog, and page 2 to contain the next five articles from each, etc.

The primary problem is that unless news and blog have exactly the same number of articles, one of them will eventually be empty, so if you want enough pages for every article, you must know in advance which one is longer, and make it the argument to .Paginate.

With that, you could display the second section (after the .Paginate is defined) with something like this:

{{ $perpage := 5 }}
{{ range (last $perpage (first (mul $.Paginator.PageNumber $perpage) (where .Data.Pages "Section" "blog"))) }}
  {{ partial "blog-entry.html" . }}
{{ end }}