Limit the {{ .Summary }}

Second update

There is no issues on the display but I’ve got an error link this:
ERROR: 2016/09/16 14:26:32 template.go:131: template: theme/partials/blog.html:39:34: executing "theme/partials/blog.html" at <slicestr .Summary 3 ...>: error calling slicestr: slice bounds out of range in theme/partials/blog.html

What would that be ?

While on the code:
<!--DETAILS--> <div class="content"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> {{ if isset .Params "categories" }} {{ if gt (len .Params.categories) 0 }} in <a href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}categories/{{ index .Params.categories 0 | urlize | lower }}">{{ index .Params.categories 0 }}</a></li> {{ end }} {{ end }} </ol> <h6><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h6> <p> {{slicestr .Summary 3 200}} </p> <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">Read More</a> </div>