Hugo Fix for Facebook OpenGraph og:image not pulling images

Way back in 2012 it was reported that Facebook has trouble pulling images from relative URLs and over HTTPS

I can confirm that in 2017 (5 years later) FB still has these issues. The images don’t show up always.

So here are the steps I took to fix this annoying issue with Hugo, following the discussion I had with @rdwatters at this thread [SOLVED] Hugo Not Rendering CSS but Hugo Server Is - #8 by rdwatters - support - HUGO

First in config.toml use the following:

baseURL = "//" [params] og_image = "/some-image.jpg"

Then in a post’s frontmater set a parameter for the OpenGraph image

og_image = "/images/1.jpg"

And in the HEAD partial put the following:

            {{ if .Params.og_image }}
      `<meta property="og:image" content="http:{{ .Params.og_image | absURL }}"/>`
      `<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="https:{{ .Params.og_image | absURL }}"/>`
      {{ else }}
      `<meta property="og:image" content="http:{{ .Site.Params.og_image | absURL }}"/>`
      `<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="https:{{ .Site.Params.og_image | absURL }}"/>`
      {{ end }}

And that’s it.

If your site is served under HTTPS and you want to put this protocol in your baseURL then you will need to use relURL in the og:image meta tag and enter the http version of your domain manually like so:

{{ if .Params.og_image }}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ .Params.og_image | relURL }}"/>
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="{{ .Params.og_image | absURL }}"/>
{{ else }}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ .Site.Params.og_image | relURL }}"/>
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="{{ .Site.Params.og_image | absURL }}"/>
{{ end }}

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