How to override CSS classes with Hugo

A perhaps more flexible solution for themes would be add an empty “extra-in-head.html” partial. This way, users can put anything into the head by overriding “extra-in-head.html”.

It may for example be that for performance reasons, it is desired to include the css directly in the HTML, thereby eliminating a server request.

Or it may be that the user want to include some css on a specific page. He can then create an “extra-in-head.html” partial which includes the CSS specified in the frontmatter, ie something like this:


css = "contact"


{{ if eq .Params.css "contact"}}
{{ template "css/contact.html" }}
{{ end }}

{{ if eq .Params.css "about"}}
{{ template "css/about.html" }}
{{ end }}


  h1 {
    margin: 40px;
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