How can I manage a publication list in Hugo, preferrably from Bibtex file?

I found a solution using pandoc and hugo which might be a workaround.

Given you have a markdown file ( with citations as you use it in a typical Pandoc project. Citations are referenced like this.

lorem ipsum[@foobar_2013]

@foobar_2013 ist the key pointing to the bibtex entry in your bibliography file yourbiblio.bib.

  1. Run pandoc on this file like this:
    pandoc -t markdown-citations -s --bibliography yourbiblio.bib --csl yourstyle.csl -o
    This will create a markdown file with normal footnotes and expanded citations.

    lorem ipsum[^1]

    [^1]: John Foobar. Lorem ipsum. Hometown, 2013

  2. Copy the to content/post or where ever you want it, and run hugo server

You will recognize that the file contains a list of publications, used for this text, at the end of the file. Put a headline in front of this list, something like # Bibliography. The footnotes are placed after this list at the very end of the file.