Hide post with taxonomyname_weight: 0

As I understand the convention, taxonomyname_weight set to zero in the front matter of a post just directs the post to the bottom of the weighted node listing of the given taxonomy.

I might suggest, that a weight = 0 (or perhaps an other flag-value) is interpreted as an exclusion of the given post from the taxonomyname listing. This might be useful and more lean in one of my current projects - and hopefully a lot of other places.

The case is, that some of my postings contain author names and email-adresses, which the author doesn’t wan’t to show in public. But the editor (that’s me) wan’t to have those informations present in the markdown documents for my own use and reference.

From the single document perspective this is easily solved by keeping the (anonymous) names and mail-adresses in the same fields (front matter keys) as everyone elses name/mail-address, when information on anonymity is kept in separate fields/keys. This is just followed by some code in the single.html, where name/mail is hidden, if the fields about anonymity says so.

So far so good.

The problem arises in lists, where generation of taxonomy lists by default suck up all content from the mentioned author/mail fields/keys, no matter if they are to be hidden according to info in some other fields.

A list might be set up to include a filter, that tests for values in other keys. But in order to do this, I see no other option than to set up individual templates for each taxonomy with anonymous information (according to info in separate fields/keys).

To get around this I’ve split the author- and mail-fields/keys into author, authorhidden, mailaddress and mailaddresshidden.

This works fine. But wouldn’t it be more lean to expand the use of a author_weight or mailaddress_weight (the latter not so obvious, I know), which may exist beforehand in frontmatter? At least this changed method or convention would eliminate the need for extra - and dublicate-like - ...hidden-fields.

This would not follow the other way Hugo uses weight (in menus and for ordering content) and would likely introduce confusion, IMHO.

Why not include an inlist field in the front matter that’s set to true or false and then template accordingly?