Explain your Hugo workflow for Development and Deployment!

Here’s a little summary of my Hugo workflow.

I basically use the Hugo server to test my edits as I make them and have a Gulp pipeline that compiles my SCSS into CSS and compresses my CSS and JS files. After my changes are made I run hugo.

For deployment, I use hugodeploy and run hugodeploy preview and hugodeploy push to preview and deploy my website via FTP. Everything that is deployed to my shared host is copied to a deployed/ folder that is separate from my public/ folder.

After deployment, I run a little shell script that I created to clear the CloudFlare cache and tell CloudFlare to serve fresh resources.

And I use Github and maintain a public repo of it. This is my first time using Hugo after moving from Wordpress and really enjoy how simple and quick everything is.

I’m on the fence about if this would be an improvement but a change to my workflow could be to deploy on my git pushes, especially if I’m only pushing changes to content. I haven’t looked too much into and have only found tutorials for people that use GitHub pages.