Documentation restructure and -design

The timing of my post wasn’t random.

Help is needed. I wouldn’t be able to build this alone if I tried (or, I would, but it would be slightly ugly).

Strategy? I just came up with this idea … My normal strategy would be that of brute force, but in this case I believe we should think a little first.

I have moderated this thread’s title: It’s more about restructuring/design than rewriting. People should still be able to read about the inner workings of shortcodes, but it shouldn’t be the first they see. Today everything has just about the same weight.

If we add installation to my list of important items, I envision this:

  • A clean doc landing page with no menu
  • Bottom right corner:
    • A simple/advanced toggle button toggles between the two simple/advanced modes of the doc (the advanced would then more or less reveal all the current content … maybe)
    • OS selector (try to detect it)
    • If advanced mode: Also show “preferred front matter format” (TOML, YAML, JSON) (for the samples) (defaults to TOML)
  • Store these settings in a cookie
  • The main part of the page: Maybe a wizard style navigation with 4 slides:
    • Short and bullet proof Installation guide for the selected OS (a one click installer would be cool; there are currently like 4 ways to install Hugo on OSX …)
    • Short and bullet proof guide on how to create a new site (maybe add some related tips in the corner with consistent formatting; “Have a Jekyll site you want to convert? Click here”)
    • Short and bullet proof guide on how to select and use a theme
    • Short and bullet proof guide on “how to add my own content and adapt the layout”

So my strategy would then be:

  1. Figure out if this is something we want to do
  2. Agree about the basic ideas/shapes of the site
  3. Get someone to create a prototype design of that main page.
  4. Do the work.