Building on Windows - cannot find package xxx in any of

Thanks a lot bep and moorereason. It was indeed my issue.

I moved my files from “C:\go_code\src\hugo” to “C:\go_code\src\\spf13\hugo” and it worked.

I did a manual .zip install which should have been:

  1. Unzip to “C:\go_code\src\\spf13\hugo”
  2. Open a cmd at “C:\go_code\src\\spf13\hugo”
  3. input in the cmd: govendor sync
  4. input in the cmd: go install\spf13\hugo

That alternative install with govendor seems cleaner as it doesn’t pollute the GOPATH folder with all of hugo’s dependencies (they are installed under “hugo/vendor” instead).

I believe this install method hasn’t been supported in all versions (as govendor support seems to have been added a few months ago), but is it a supported install method?

If that’s the case, I suggest adding it as maybe “Option 2” under “Build and Install the Binaries from Source (Advanced Install)” at:

(*) A note should probably be added with a mention that it’s supported as of version xyz.