AND operator in range statement's where clause


I would like to express the following, but I cannot figure out how the AND operator should be used:

{{ range first 5 (where .Site.Pages "" "!=" nil AND "" "in" "some text") }}
  {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}

Above, is an array of strings. I have already checked the conditionals section here but I always get a syntax error. I have tried the following with no luck:

{{ range first 5 (where .Site.Pages (and ("" "!=" nil) ("" "in" "some text"))) }}
  {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}

This one also fails:

{{ range first 5 (where (and (.Site.Pages "" "!=" nil) (.Site.Pages "" "in" "some text"))) }}
  {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}

What would be the correct syntax?