[SOLVED] Wanting to add a function to tpl/template_functions.go

Thanks for your answers. I appreciate much.


  1. I will read again the contributing guide. All to say that I agree completely about a possible rearrange/move to thrash bin (I won’t be offended at all if a pull request does not succeed, if ever I can develop something).
    As I do not know about the reviewing/proposal process, I wanted to dive into the widget problem to let the discussion go on (I hadn’t much answers about my proposal so let’s see what it could become !). I still won’t be offended if somebody implemented the whole thing before me, as I would only like a widget system to appear :slight_smile:
  2. Actually widgets.go was included in the commit but I did nothing on it. The whole commit was made fastly to begin diving into.
  3. Thanks!
  4. This is related to the Widget mechanism thread.
  5. Totally agreeing with you. IMO a widget mechanism is narrower than partials in terms of possibilities (widgets are intended for HTML, which whereas partials are agnostic). See the Widget mechanism thread.
  6. This was my very first draft to explore. Thanks for the test.

@bep I will look at the gopath. Thanks.