Switching to Apache 2 license

EDIT 10/16/15…

Go here to sign the CLA https://cla-assistant.io/spf13/hugo

There was a long discussion in the github issues around the request to switch to a more open license.

My understanding is that this is completely possible, but requires sign off from all contributors who have current contributions. The intent is to have this done so that the v0.13 release can be released under the Apache 2 license. This change would only apply forward. Existing versions of Hugo will remain released under the SimPL 2.0 license.

Since getting sign off from our nearly 100 contributors is a large housekeeping task I was hoping to get help with it from everyone. I think perhaps the best way to do it is for people to sign off on this thread in the public forum that all of their Hugo contributions can be licensed under apache 2. The following line should be sufficient:

“I _______ grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.”

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This might be of interest as well, but I only think it’s for future contributions: https://www.clahub.com/


I, Austin Ziegler (@halostatue), grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

This should cover the footnote changes that I have contributed.


I Tatsushi Demachi (@tatsushid) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas,
code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the
rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and
warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any
third party.


I, Joel Scoble (@mohae), grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

This topic is now a banner topic. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

I Oscar Bolmsten (@oscar-b) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

“I Dave Cottlehuber @dch grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas,
code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the
rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and
warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any
third party.”

good move @spf13. Can you make the banner include a link to http://discuss.gohugo.io/t/switching-to-apache-2-license/173 (this page) otherwise there’s no way from the banner to find this thread where you write your name ;-).

I, Michael D Henderson (@quoha), grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

I don’t know if I can figure out how to do that. I’ll give it a try.

I Kartik Singhal (@k4rtik) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

“I, Anthony Fok (@anthonyfok), grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project, and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.”

I, Nathan Finch (@natefinch), grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

“I Spencer Lyon (@spencerlyon2) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.”

“I Rahul Bansal (@rahul286) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.”

Though I haven’t contributed code, I think I made a commit adding my site to the showcase, so:

I, Andrew Codispoti (@acodispo), grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

Yup, I’m fine with this.

“I Owen Waller (@owenwaller) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.”

I Ask Bjørn Hansen (github.com/abh) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.

Sincerely thank you for doing this!

I Luke Holder (github.com/lukeholder) grant Steve Francia all rights to contributions of ideas, code, or documentation provided to the Hugo project and I grant him the rights to release my contributions under the Apache 2 license and warrant that these contributions are free of the rightful claim of any third party.